Green Haven Farm

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Grow an endangered species!

Solidago Shortii is not only an extremely beneficial “keystone” native plant for pollinators, but it is also on the federal endangered species list. This goldenrod species lost much of its habitat due to development and damming of the Ohio River. Only limited populations remain in the wild. The Cincinnati Zoo Botanical Garden selected the variety ‘Solar Cascade’ and introduced it to the nursery trade in an attempt to save the species.

Goldenrod ‘Solar Cascade’ has attractive glossy foliage and bright golden yellow flower clusters in fall. It is beloved by pollinators of all kinds. About 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall, it performs best in full sun and tolerates drought once established. It is a polite goldenrod, expanding slowly and I have had not seedlings in the 2 years I’ve grown it.

See if you can fit this special plant in your yard and help us preserve the species!