Big Plant Sale – September 18
Save the date for our last plant sale of 2021
Saturday, Sept. 18, 9:30 till 2:00 at 215 Copples Lane, Wallingford.
Growing beds in the nursery
What’s in store for this sale?
Some shady characters looking for new homes…
Well, we have some great-shade loving perennials, including 5 different ferns, regular and variegated Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium), a variegated Toad-lily (Tricyrtis), Heuchera, Foamflower (Tiarella), Ceratostigma, native Columbine, Pulmonaria, Thalictrum, and even a native, shade-loving Aster.
Many pots of Milkweed …
And of course we have plenty of sun loving perennials too. We have 5 different native asters, 3 different Coreopsis, 4 different Coneflowers, 3 native grasses, 2 varieties of Ironweed, 2 different Helenium, 2 Penstemons, dwarf Joe Pye... and a lot more!
And lots of milkweed... hopefully enough for everyone.
Some shrubs - just hanging out…
We are also offering some shrubs and small trees this fall. Fall is a great time to plant woody plants because the cooler and wetter fall weather helps them get established. We are still working to expand our offering of woody plants, so quantities are more limited. But we have some fantastic native woody plants as well as more pest and disease resistant alternatives to Boxwood.
I’ve updated the Perennial Plant list and the Woody plant list for the September sale. We’ll keep this list updated as the sale gets closer.
Hope to see you in September!
More nursery beds…
I created a little nursery tour. Fair warning - it's an amateur "me and my phone" video - but you do get to meet the plants.