Huge plant sale June 13
Hello fellow pollinator lovers and gardeners... its time for a plant sale. Its becoming a jungle over here... Even the chickens are getting nervous.
I need to make some room for the new baby plants that need to be potted up. Gotta say, Covid messed with my plans. But nature waits for no one and plants just keep growing.
So... "small" (mainly quart) sized pots are only $4.72 and "large" gallon pots are only $6.60 (thats $5 and $7 with tax - clever huh?).
Some Salvia "Salvadore Blue" in the nursery
Many of the plants are in bud or bloom, looking pretty good actually with the weird spring we've had. We have plants for wet, dry, sunny or shade... Some butterfly favorites and some that the rabbits avoid.
Phlox 'Jeana' - a butterfly magnet and Mt. Cuba Phlox evaluation winner
We'll be here Saturday, June 13 from 8 am till 2 pm ready to help you pick plants perfect for pollinators (how's that for some alliteration?). Even if you are not in the market, stop by and say "Hi". We love talking plants!