Plant Profile – Zizia aurea
By Cathrine St.Clair
Zizia aurea has the common name Golden Alexanders. It is an easy to grow native plant that no native plant garden should be without. It has lovely umbels of bright yellow flowers that bloom for a long time in spring to early summer – when many of our native plants are just starting to think about flowering.
The flowers are important to a number of short-tongued native bees and other insects that are able to easily reach the nectar in the small yellow flowers.
Zizia aurea is also a host plant for Black Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars.
Zizia can grow in considerable shade but will flower better in full sun to light shade. Plants look best in a grouping. They can grow to 3 feet with the flowers, but flower stalks can be trimmed back after flowering to control height. While perennial, Zizia can be short lived so allow some reseeding to make sure it stays in your garden.
Swallowtail caterpillar hiding in the Zizia
Want to know more? Here are a few links.